TestCon Europe 2022
October 24 – 27
Vilnius and Online
Vipin Jain
Head QA and Delivery Manager
Metacube Software, India

Vipin Jain has got 20 year experience in the IT industry. A MCA graduate from Rajasthan University in 1998, he has accumulated a deep knowledge in software projects, their methodologies and quality. He has dedicated the last 16 years of his professional career to Software Quality. Currently working with Metacube Software as Head QA, he is involved in establishing QCE at his company and is heading the delivery operations. An avid Speaker and writer, he loves speaking at conferences and delivered many presentations at national and international levels. He is member of Review Committees of various international organizations. He has presented papers in many of the best QA conferences across the world including TestingUnited, ExpoQA, QA&test and SQA. Few of his papers got published in Testing Planet, Nov ‘14 issue, and Testing Planet magazine, in Nov ‘12 issue. He has a proven record of implementing and refining test processes for various clients across the globe.
Common Strategy to Test IoT for Different Industries
Industries can now quickly develop IoT solutions that connect things, collect data, and derive knowledge. This directly leads to reduced costs, productivity increase and increase revenue. Almost all industries have been utilizing IoT and this has changed the customer experience extensively. As an example, in automotive industry, the cars are tied to IoT, and this has turned data into actionable insights. The data comes from both inside the cars as well as from outside world. Collaborating with fields like AI, Data analytics and cloud, autonomous driving has turned drivers into passengers, thus opening a huge opportunity for new goods and services. Since IoT can make a difference between life and deaths, like driverless cars or healthcare, the testing has never become so challenging. IoT produces a Variety of data and in huge volumes, and the first biggest challenge lies here. Enterprises find it quite challenging owing to these factors. Add to these external factors like heterogeneous environments and complexity in the working of a number of components and testing becomes more difficult. Due to large-scale IoT systems and connected devices, enterprises also find it difficult to develop, deploy, integrate and scale applications.
Other Issues before testers
1. Testing across various cloud platforms
2. IoT data protocols testing
3. Security threats
4. No Standardization – lack of standard testing procedures at all levels.
5. Dynamic environments Solutions:
Solution explained:
1. Protocol and device interoperability testing – tests performed across different standards and specifications
2. Security and privacy testing
3. Network Impact – Testing Real IoT application in a real network, with factors like Network size, topology and environment Conditions
4. Performance testing – load testing and 4V testing
5. End User application testing – Usability and user experience
Presentation flow:
- Showcase various industries and how IoT is helping those industries
- why IoT testing is crucial?
- A test strategy to test IoT in general
- Various tests to be carried out as part of test strategy
- Summary and closing notes
Key Learnings:
1. IoT is widespread and has evolved to reach almost every industry.
2. This has posed lots of challenges when we plan for testing IoT
3. They will then learn a few strategies and tests that they can carry out for almost all IoT applications
Session Keywords
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