TestCon Europe 2022
October 24 – 27
Vilnius and Online
Registration for this workshop is closed
Sean Mc Guire
UX Architect
Microsoft, Austria

Sean is a UX Architect working for Microsoft and his passion is to ensure software delivered brings value to organizations and end-users in an equal manner. Sean is mostly involved in requirements engineering, envisioning workshops, and UI/UX design.
Sean started his UI/UX journey as a software tester where he learned what bad software design means and thinks that every UI/UX designer should be involved in software testing for a considerable period because it builds the foundation for understanding how end-users think and where they have problems learning and adapting new usage patterns.
Sean is often involved in designing and specifying software requirements. The method he uses is prototyping and what he calls GUI-Specification which is done in a way where the use-cases specified can be converted one-to-one into test cases. Or to put it in other words: “When the prototype is complete all test cases are also complete!”
As part of software design, Sean is passionate about Design Thinking workshops and has been training Design Thinking Moderators all over the world from Australia to South America. He is a conference speaker, published a book on Design Thinking Moderation, and shares his learnings in the “”Billboard Design Thinking”” LinkedIn Group with 2500+ members.
Speaker on “World Usability Congress 2021”
Presentation Billboard Design Thinking how to start a workshop
Invitation to online Virtual conference
Interview about Billboard Design Thinking
Business of Software 2017 – 2018:
Billboard Design Thinking LinkedIn Group
How to Improve Your Test Capabilities and Test Strategy With an Interactive Design Thinking Workshop
When looking back at failed projects it almost always turns out that expectations where not managed well. This is especially true in an Agile world where customers and vendors sign contracts and both of them often have a very different understanding of what they will get when they sign the contract. This three-hours workshop will teach you how to design an envisioning workshop as part of the project kick-off that ensures all stakeholders are on board and know what they will get as part of the delivery and how to use the workshop results to scope a project and linke use-cases to test-cases that will be used to sign-off the project delivery prior to go-live.
With proper preparation and workshop design this will not only be an alignment workshop but can create a huge amount of user-stories which then are validated as test cases for the final product design and delivery. Unfortunately, you can’t use a simple template for every customer and will need to customize each workshop to tackle those areas that are unclear and potentially can create disturbances in your delivery.
The ultimate aim of these alignment workshops is to ensure stakeholders and customers create those test-cases as part of the envisioning so they can be used to validate and test the final delivery. If done properly those well-defined user-stories and test-cases generated in the workshop will prevent scope creep and avoid endless CR discussions and failing projects.
- Part 1: Setting the scene an introduction to Design Thinking for requirement engineering and scope definition
- 15 min: Short intro into design Thinking – to get everybody aligned and on board
- 25 min: Sharing a workshop example and explaining how to use it for a real project
- 20 min: Sharing design resources and templates to craft your own workshop
- Part 2: Product scoping – use case specification and extracting test cases to verify the scope
- 20 min: How to convert workshop results into use-cases
- 20 min: How to convert use-cases into test cases
- 20 min: How to use test-cases to estimate the project effort and align with the dev team
- Part 3: Closing the loop and closing the project with getting sign-off on the test-cases created in the envisioning workshop
- 20 min: Customer scope review with end-users and business owners
- 20 min: Use-case and test case review with end-user and business owners
- 20 Min: Project sign-off and identifying CR and Scope creep to close the project
The main goal of the workshop is to introduce project managers, solution owners, test managers how to avoid long winded discussion and change requests by avoiding relying on testing with end-user when the product is already 90% finished to figure out expectations are not aligned and threatening project success including delayed and over budget projects with unhappy customers, project teams and suppliers.
Target audience
- Product owners
- Project managers
- Solution owners
- Test managers
- Testers
- Design Thinking enthusiasts
- Design Thinking moderators
Technical requirements
No technical requirements necessary
- Klaxoon will be used as workshop tool à login will be pasted into the zoom meeting when the workshop starts
- PowerPoint for opening templates and modifying them to create your own workshop design
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