TestCon Europe 2022

October 24 – 27

Vilnius and Online

Kerim Satirli

Senior Developer Advocate

HashiCorp, The Netherlands


Kerim is a senior developer advocate at HashiCorp, where he works on creating a positive experience for developers and infrastructure engineers. He is passionate about complex systems and enjoys the challenge of codifying them. Before he joined HashiCorp, Kerim worked at a variety of companies, ranging from cultural institutions and aviation to government services.


Building repeatable, testable infrastructure with HashiCorp Terraform

This workshop will cover the basics of Infrastructure as Code and will then dive deep into what operators should test and how resources can be tested (and verified)

  • Part 1: Introduction
    • What is Infrastructure as Code?
    • Why does codification matter?
    • What does our application look like
  • Part 2: What should we test for
    • Built-in Tests
    • Testing using Terraform Cloud
    • Testing using tools from the broader Terraform ecosystem
    • Testing using OPA
  • Part 3: Next Steps:
    • Automated Testing
    • Hardening your code
    • Homework and additional resources


The main goal of this workshop is to (re)introduce testing of operations to increase trust from deploy-time onwards

Target audience

IT Infrastructure engineers and those interested in DevOps practices. If you have worked with Terraform before, many parts of the workshop will “click” faster, if not: no worries!

Technical requirements

Participants will require access to a computer that can run a terminal emulator like PuTTY or Terminal.app. Participants are also encouraged to install HashiCorp Terraform and set up a Git client.

It helps to have a rudimentary understanding of “Infrastructure as Code” (IaC), but I’ll provide a refresher at the beginning of the workshop, to ensure we have the same understanding.

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