TestCon Europe 2022
October 24 – 27
Vilnius and Online
Rolf Molich
DialogDesign, Denmark

Rolf Molich manages DialogDesign, a tiny Danish usability consultancy. In 2014, Rolf received the UXPA Lifetime Achievement Award for his work on the Comparative Usability Evaluation project. He is vice president of the UXPA, which develops and maintains the CPUX-certification. Rolf is the co-inventor of the heuristic evaluation method.
If the Users Can’t Use It, It Doesn’t Work
This talk provides a basic introduction to usability and usability testing.
The quality of software goes far beyond the classical testing of software. Today, basic knowledge about usability is essential for software test specialists.
The talk will show examples of usability problems and explain the “think-aloud” method for usability testing. It will also explain how usability testing fits into the software development cycle, and how usability is much more than cool design and clever animations. Good usability helps your users get their job done fast and comfortably.
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