TestCon Europe 2019

Vladik Khononov
Invesus Group, Israel
Vladik is a software engineer with 20 years of industry experience. During the years, he worked for companies large and small, in roles ranging from Webmaster to Chief Architect.
He aims to maintain an active media career as a public speaker, a blogger, and an author. Currently I’m a regular speaker at leading software engineering conferences, such as O’Reilly Software Architecture, NDC, DDD Europe, and others. His topics include distributed systems, Domain-Driven Design, microservices, evolutionary architecture, and software architecture in general.
Testing Software Architecture
If anything, the Agile, Lean, and DevOps movements have proven that software architecture is not a “one man show”. Instead, in order to succeed, software design is a group effort that requires involvement from different stakeholders. In this session I’d like to talk about the testing aspect of software architecture and design.
We will see what exactly is this “important stuff”, that we use to call software architecture; what are its goals, and what differentiates a good architecture from a bad one? Next, we will discuss how to watch over a system’s architecture during the various stages of its development:
* The differences between under and over-engineering
* How to identify forming of a “big ball of mud” in early stages; and
* What are the symptoms of an exhausted architecture that is breaking under its own weight
Ultimately, I’ll demonstrate how such tests can be automated using static code analysis tools.