TestCon Europe 2019

Pekka Marjamaki
Solita Oy, Finland

Jani Gronman
Solita Oy, Finland
(M. K. Čiurlionio str. 84, Vilnius, Lithuania)
Time & Date
BIO – Pekka Marjamaki
Pekka Marjamaki has versatile history of software testing spanning from test engineer, test manager all the way to test coach. Over 10+ years he has worked in multiple domains including cyber security, logistics, governmental institutions, and healthcare. He is an avid promoter of software testing, blogger, a conference speaker and a trainer. When cut, Pekka bleeds testing.
BIO – Jani Gronman
Jani Gronman has over 20 years of experience in software business. He has worked as a developer, scrum master, project manager and test engineer. Domains include telecom, governmental institutions, finance and on-demand media. Currently working with Pekka as a testing coach. Jani has a develops testing at Solita from business and quality management point of view. Jani has a bronze medal in testing.
Pharaoh’s Tomb – Testologists’ Journey to Learning and Practicing Testing
Testologist = Archeologist in testing. We’ll show how to dig deeper into testing layer by layer, and how this will make your testing more effective. Starting from testing-oriented thinking to understanding all things affecting our testing. In this workshop we show how to learn and practice testing in a structured manner. We’ll help you be and be seen as the professional you are!
The workshop will be hands-on digging to the deepest levels of testing. Each part contains an exercise where the whole audience can participate. The workshop delves deeper and deeper from basic thinking skills all the way to understanding the context variables and be able to apply that knowledge in their everyday work. Since testing is not only a “keyboard bashing” activity, they will understand the complex skill-set underneath.
- First half: Learning
o 1st part: Introduction to the concept, test design and test ideas. We give tools to generate ideas and how to categorize them to help you generate more ideas
o 2nd part: Test strategy and understanding the context. Introduce a heuristic approach for context mapping
- Second half: Practicing
o 3rd part: Generate own test strategy of for a product, understand the variables that affect testing. We introduce a product that is used as an example in this exercise and learn to understand how the context surrounding the product affects the way we might test it.
o 4th part: Generate test ideas derived from your strategy. Practice the skills we have learned previously to generate ideas based on the strategy created earlier.
A tester will be able to communicate the finesse and craftsmanship that a testing actually requires. This will both promote the individual’s status as an expert tester and the overall appreciation for the craft. In essence, we delve down a pyramid by learning what lies in each level. After reaching the pharaohs tomb, we climb back up to the top implementing what we have learned. Through better appreciation and communication of the craft, your clients are able to get better quality results for their money.
For testers these skills are the foundation of craftsmanship. For Managers and business owners etc., this gives a good view on what contributes to testing in their projects. This workshop helps everyone involved in software development to understand what’s beneath the “tip of the pyramid”.