TestCon Europe 2019

Rolf Molich
DialogDesign, Denmark
Rolf Molich owns and manages DialogDesign, a tiny Danish usability consultancy which he founded in 1993.
Rolf has worked with usability since 1984. He is the co-inventor of the heuristic evaluation method (with Jakob Nielsen).
Rolf is an experienced speaker. He is proud of having been been named “Teacher of the year” in 2013 by hundreds of his students at the University of Copenhagen for not just preaching usability in his lectures, but actually practicing it. In 2014 Rolf received the prestigious “UXPA Lifetime Achievement Award” for his contributions to usability, in particular usability testing, through his extensive Comparative Usability Evaluation studies (CUE) from 1998 to 2018.
Rolf completed an M.Sc. in software engineering from the Technical University of Denmark in 1974. From 1974 to 1997, he worked as a project manager and software methods specialist for several Danish companies.
In his free time, Rolf enjoys learning by struggling with complex modern public user interfaces like remote controls, licket machines, and check-out terminals in shops.
If the Users Can't Use It, It Doesn't Work
This talk provides a basic introduction to usability and usability testing.
The quality of software goes far beyond the classical testing of software. Today, basic knowledge about usability is essential for software test specialists.
The talk will show examples of usability problems and explain the “think-aloud” method for usability testing. It will also explain how usability testing fits into the software development cycle, and how usability is much more than cool design and clever animations. Good usability helps your users get their job done fast and comfortably.

Usability Testing – an Introduction
Usability testing can dramatically improve products. It is an essential tool for uncovering usability problems and demonstrating them to co-workers.
This workshop will explain and demonstrate a streamlined approach to usability testing that you can apply to your own products. You will hear what usability and user experience is, and the important differences between them. The talk will focus on the popular “think-aloud” method for usability testing. You will hear about usability testing on a limited budget (“guerilla usability testing”), usability testing in agile projects, and how to “sell” usability to your co-workers and management.
The workshop will include demonstrations, short exercises and quizzes.