TestCon Europe 2019
Confirmed Talks
Niels Malotaux
N R Malotaux – Consultancy, Germany
Help! We Have a QA Problem!
This is about a real case of too many developers feeding too few testers, causing a testing backlog of half a year, with many angry customers waiting for too long for solutions to their problems. One senior tester just had left the company. There was only one senior and one junior tester left. They were facing this huge backlog of work and didn’t know where to start.
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Dennis Doomen
Aviva Solutions Netherlands, The Netherlands
How to Practice Test Driven Development without Shooting Yourself in the Foot
It’s 2019, so practices like Test Driven Development (TDD) have long found their way into organizations. However, the practices and principles to keep those unit tests maintainable haven’t really changed. Still, I regularly talk to developers that somehow ended up with an incomprehensible unmaintainable set of unit tests that they once believed in, but are now holding them back.
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Daniel Gold
Testim.io, Israel
How AI is Transforming Test Automation
Demystifying AI, a review of key concepts in AI and machine learning, how it is related to software testing and what is the vision for AI in testing, how we used AI to process the DOM to handle dynamic locators, the technical challenges we encountered.
All levels can learn and benefit of this presentation. These days AI and machine learning are big Buzzwords but not many truly understand what it is.
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Pekka Marjamaki
Solita Oy, Finland
Jani Gronman
Solita Oy, Finland
Test Coaching
Testing skills are mandatory in modern software development for every stakeholder. Pekka and Jani have discovered two main areas that need improving: developers’ testing skills and clients’ understanding of the role of testing. Developers focus mainly on programming skills, tools, technologies etc. and they rarely learn systematic testing. Clients on the other hand view testing either as purely suppliers’ problem or they focus on the wrong things when testing.
Enter Test Coaching!
Pekka and Jani work at Solita. The background for Test Coaching comes from actual need to understand and perform testing in our company. Solita’s teams don’t have testing specialists of their own. The burden of testing is generally on developers’ shoulders due to various factors. Testing skills aren’t systematically trained. Also in most cases, the client doesn’t understand testing enough to make good decisions regarding it.
Test Coaching is a concept and a service that helps projects to make most out of their testing. Pain-points, lack of testing skills, challenges in testing? Test Coaching facilitates problem solving in teams and projects, tailored to their specific needs. They change the teams’ and client’s way of approaching testing.
They have had dozens of projects as a clients, large and small. In addition to helping teams, Pekka and Jani help with sales material and test planning for offers regarding future projects. What we do, depends on the need of the company and projects.
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Peter Sabev
Fast Lane Soft Ltd., Bulgaria
Reporting Bugs: Errors Made and Lessons Learned
Reporting bugs – that should be very simple, shouldn’t it? After all, as QA professionals, we all report bugs – that’s our job! How good we are at it however? I can tell you a lot about that: 15 common problems and their solutions, 100% learned from practice – no much experienced required, but the talk will be beneficial even for senior QA people.
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Jacopo Romei
Freelance, Italy
Extreme Contracts: the Freedom to Write the Tests you Need
Stop asking permission to write automated tests! Quit trying to convince your customers you’d better set up an automated pipeline! Don’t let a time-based agreement with your customers spoil your chances to deliver real value! As much as our code needs to evolve iteratively toward a supple design, so our agreements with customers and suppliers should make room for those changes to happen.
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Nikki Attea
Sensu Inc, USA
Evolution of QA to GA: The Sensu Go Crucible
Quality Assurance is a crucial component in releasing software. But who is responsible for QA processes, tools, and methodologies when you’re a young startup with limited bandwidth? The answer is: everyone. At Sensu, we experienced the painful process of discovering this in preparation for our General Availability release when engineers naturally were heads down in development, creating mounting technical debt with regard to testing.
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Torstein Skarra
Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV), Norway
From Waterfall to Agile: 7 tips for Transforming Test Organization
NAV is the conglomerate for governmental services in Norway, handling by itself what neighbouring countries has set up 12 different government institutions or more to handle. One third of Norway’s BNP flows through our IT systems. 19 000 employees and several million citizens use our systems every day. Moving from project based waterfall and six releases per year, to agile cross functions autonomous teams with several releases per day, per team, is a story worth telling.
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