TestCon Vilnius 2018

THASTE IT, Belgium
Stefaan Luckermans
Test professional with 30 years experience in Quality assurance, Quality control and Quality improvement. Testing expert on both manual and automated testing.
Talk & Workshop
Test Automation by Example
This presentation is in fact a training on how to do test automation from inception to the point where the automated tests can be executed.This presentation is in fact a training on how to do test automation from inception to the point where the automated tests can be executed.It covers three main areas of test automation: Unit testing, Integration testing and Functional testing.Based on an example project, the training will take you through all the steps from idea/context, to concept/design, to implementation/coding, to verification/validation.
The training is intended for any level of test professional from beginner to expert. The example on which it is build is understandable for everyone and does not require any understanding of a programming language.
Goal is for participants to take something home that they can immediately use in their own work. It is intended for any methodology and/or framework.
This content of the presentation in terms of time:
– Presentation: 45 minutes theory, but based on the example;
– Full day training (6-8 h) : 3-4 of exercises based on the audience’s questions.