TestCon Vilnius 2018

N R Malotaux – Consultancy, Netherlands
Niels Malotaux
Niels Malotaux is an independent Project Coach and expert in optimizing project performance, helping organizations around the world to optimize the success and predictability of their projects.
He has over 40 years experience in designing electronic and software systems, at Delft University, in the Dutch Army, at Philips Electronics and 20 years leading his own systems design company.
Since 1998 he devotes his expertise to helping projects to deliver Quality On Time: delivering what the customer needs, when he needs it, to enable customer success.
Niels effectively teaches very pragmatic project management approaches, requirements engineering, and review and inspection techniques, but he rather calls it Result Management, as only Results pay our salaries.
Since 2001, he taught and coached over 400 large and small projects/teams in more than 40 organizations in the Netherlands, Belgium, China, Germany, Ireland, India, Israel, Japan, Poland, Romania, Serbia, South Africa, the UK and the US, which led to a wealth of experience in which approaches work better and which work less well in real practice.
Examples of How to Move towards Zero Defects
How many defects should the users of our software find? How many issues do you accept the users to experience? If you agree that it should be “Zero!”, then we can discuss how to achieve that. If you think it’s impossible, better attend and learn, to avoid being put out of business by those who are delivering Zero Defects.
Some people think that we can produce better quality by better testing. Wrong! The most economical way to produce quality is by preventing any problems to creep in in the first place, making sure the users don’t experience any hassle. We’ll discuss a few cases where we used techniques that helped people move towards Zero Defects, like: design, review, the DesignLog, short-circuiting, and using “No Questions, No Issues” as a final test requirement.
Zero Defects often is dismissed as an impossible dream. My experience tells otherwise. It doesn’t mean “turning a switch and then we don’t produce bugs anymore”. What it does mean you will find out in the keynote.