TestCon Vilnius 2018

SG Digital, Greece
Sakis Ladopoulos
A QA / Project Manager with more than a decade of experience in forming leading and managing through changes test teams. Based in Athens, I have worked for German, Luxembergian, Irish, UK and USA corporations & customers. Greek market still remains Greek to me. I am also a proud of father of two young “stress testers” and happily married to a beautiful IT manager who is running telecom business systems and a family all together
A Test Team’s Unexpected Journey from Waterfall to Agile
This is the story of a test team’s unexpected journey from Waterfall to Agile and a few steps back, finding their middle earth in a proprietary test shire. It is a story of how all methodologies have something useful to offer, still none of them can ever be a perfect fit. The moral of the story is that it takes work to make a generic process or model work for your specific needs, avoiding though to re-invent the wheel. What to do and, mainly, what to avoid is the whole journey and it is always the journey that matters.